Aspects of living and working in Guernsey/Channel Islands

Living and Working in Guernsey/Channel Islands

Guernsey/Channel Islands

If you want the adventure of Island life but not too far from home then Guernsey is for you. But what is island life? Think of a community where people are easy going and friendly.

Guernsey is 24 square miles so there is NO RUSH Hour. Transportation is either by bus, bike or car. The beach is everywhere and restaurants are a way of life. Beautiful and tranquil! Think British with a French flair.

Guernsey is located approximately 100 miles Southeast of England and you can see France on a clear day. There is easy access to England and France by ferry or plane.

Guernsey is a Crown Dependency of The UK, but is not part of the EU. British pounds sterling are accepted but they also have their own currency.

Guernsey offers a wonderful life style in which to live and work as a nurse.

With career and development opportunities in the Princess Elizabeth Hospital in Guernsey, you can satisfy your natural desire to explore beyond your current boundaries. Guernsey offers a wonderful life style in which to live and work as a nurse. A vibrant nightlife and active outdoor culture make Guernsey the ideal location to work abroad.

By making the move to Guernsey you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Enjoy the laid-back lifestyle, surrounded by picturesque beaches.
  • Competitive salaries for nurses’ bands 5 to 8
  • Low tax (tax rate of 20%)
  • Assistance with flight over
  • Subsidized accommodation
  • Specialty bonuses (applicable to certain specialties only

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of license do I need to work as a nurse?

Guernsey recognizes the UK Nursing license. To work as a Nurse in the UK you must register with The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is the statutory regulatory body for nursing, midwifery and health visiting in the United Kingdom. All nurses who trained outside the UK need to be registered with the NMC in order to practice as a nurse in the UK.

All applications for NMC registration are assessed on an individual basis in terms of experience and education.

What type of license do I need to work as a nurse?

Guernsey recognizes the UK Nursing license. To work as a Nurse in the UK you must register with The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

How do I apply for NMC Registration?

In order to register you must be able to speak and communicate in English. Evidence of this is accepted in the following formats:

You also need to have worked as a fully licenced and registered nurse for a minimum of 12 months and have the evidence to support this (in certain circumstances, for a complete list of requirements visit NMC Registration). Additionally, if you want to work in a specific area of nursing, your experience/evidence should reflect your expertise in this area.

The application process
You will initially have to complete an eligibility test to ensure you meet their minimum requirements. Once these have been confirmed, you will be expected to pay for and complete a test of competence, consisting of two parts:

  • A multiple-choice exam you can complete online at test centres in your country. On completing this you will have to provide identification and proof of your registration for everywhere you have worked, also including your valid references.
  • The next part of the process is essentially a test of your skills and competence. This is known as an Objective-Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and has to be completed in the UK. Here you will face a series of mock scenarios which you are likely to encounter at work. You will be assessed over a period of time and there are six stations for you to deal with. You will only pass if you safely meet the required standards.

ID Checks

A face-to-face ID check will take place at the OSCE location on the same day as the assessment. You will need to bring all the original documents that you have uploaded as supporting evidence for your application.

After successfully passing the assessments & ID Check, applicants can complete the final declaration and submit payment for registration online. Once both have been received you will be sent your registration number or PIN.

Jobs and visas
After you’ve received your pin and have a job, you must apply for and then receive a valid work visa to ensure you can legally work in the UK. Visa requirements are subject to change to keep up to date visit the below websites.

Useful Links

Visit Guernsey

States Of Guernsey

Tax Information
